Phase Two
Phase two would prove to be our shortest and least participated phase of the campaign - although we did conduct two game days - one at Mighty Meeple and one at Carolina Tabletop Games the overall volume of games was down 33% from the prior phase. This meant that each game was critically important and the Raiders absolutely killed it this phase going a combined 5-0. Phase two of the campaign saw the Raiders faction run away with 28 Warzone points followed by the Defenders with 12 and the Attackers with 10. Highlights from this phase included:
A new player! Tim Schaeffer who got in two games.
Bill once again painting all of his Dark Angel models.
Every faction won at least one game.
Based on the Campaign Master Edicts a few factions will now receive additional requisition points under the Reinforce the Beleaguered rule:
· Defenders: Brian Foster, Bill Foster, Kris Snyder, and Carson Owens will all receive one free requisition point.
· Raiders: William Baucom, Mike Holstein, Paul Street, and Justin Nolan will all receive two free requisition points.
Remember that requisition points cannot be stored past five so make sure to spend them if it would take you over five victory points. I recommend that you increase your supply limits.
Many players only had the opportunity to play a few games and may have ended up losing all of their games. In this case those players receive 2D6 free experience to distribute across their force due to the campaign edict – The greatest teacher is failure; those players were:
1. Paul Street (Death Guard) - whew that ugly 0-3!
2. Kris Snyder (Imperial Guard) - some day the codex will be good!
I know what you are thinking – man the factions that lost got a ton of buffs; free requisition points, experience points and the like . . . what the hell did the Attackers get for winning? Players on the winning faction receive five experience points (Grand Alliance) to distribute across their forces.
1. Chris Rice (Eldar)
2. Pat Morton (Tyranids)
3. Colby Joyner (Orks)
Phase Two Warzone Scoring
Attackers: 10
Battle Points: 9
Secret Agenda Points: 0
Warseer Predictions Points: 0
Legendary Mission Points: 1
Defenders: 12
Battle Points: 12
Secret Agenda Points: 0
Warseer Predictions Points: 0
Legendary Mission Points: 0
Raiders: 28
Battle Points: 19
Secret Agenda Points: 4
Warseer Predictions Points: 4
Legendary Mission Points: 1
Battle Results
Need to schedule games with players? Check out the availability tracker for phase 2 here.
Dark Angels fight the Death Guard in the latest battle report by Bill Foster!
Check out a new narrative battle report - this time Flood Tide on Fathom about a match between Chris Rice's Eldar and Mike's Death Guard.
Army Lists
Attackers' Army Lists
Voyager Marines - William Baucom
Sanguine Mist Adeptus Mechanicus - Justin Nolan
Inexorable Death Guard - Paul Street
Mortarion's Anvil Death Guard - Mike Holstein
Defenders' Army Lists
Space Wolves - Tim Schaefer
Dark Angels - Bill Foster
Deathwatch - Brian Foster
Argent Shroud Sisters of Battle - Carson Owens
Valhallan Imperial Guard - Kris Snyder
Raiders' Army Lists
Hive Fleet Cerberus Tyranids - Pat Morton
Il-Kaithe Eldar - Chris Rice
Goffz and Evil Sunz Orks - Colby Joyner