Territory Chart

Territory Chart

Players must keep a record of their territory from the beginning of the campaign.  A notebook or campaign diary is ideal, and can be used to keep a separate record of your troops' performance and anything else you may wish to remember (grudges for example . . . Dwarf players are especially keen on this sort of thing).

To generate a territory roll two ordinary D6's one after the other.  The first dice roll represents 'tens' and the second 'ones' to give you a score between 11 and 66.  The method of rolling two dice is referred to as a D66 roll.

Each player generates three initial territories from the Territory Chart below.

11-12 Wizard's Tower

For each Wizard's Tower you control your army may include an extra level 1 wizard.

13-14 Sacred Grove

For each Wizard's Tower you control your army may include one level 2 wizard.

15 Shrine

For each Shrine you control your army can include one level 3 wizard and one magic item of up to 50 points.  The magic item can be carried by any suitable character.

16 Temple

For each Temple you control your army can include one level 4 wizard and one magic item of up to 75 points.  The magic item can be carried by any suitable character.

21-26 Village

For each Village under your control your army can include 1 unit champion.

31-32 Town

If you have a Town under your control your army can include up to 3 characters chosen from the following: a unit Champion, Hero, or Army Standard Bearer.

33-34 Tavern

Your army may recruit mercenary units as per your normal army restrictions.  Mercenary characters do not count against your character limits (such as Prince Uther).

35-43 Trade Route

For each Trade Route under your control your army may include 1 magic item up to 50 points value.

44 Silver Mine

For each Silver Mine under your control your army may include up to 3 Magic items of up to 75 points each.

45 Gold Mine

For each Gold Mine under your control your army may include up to 3 magic items of up to 100 points each.

46 Treasure Hoard

If you control a Treasure Hoard your army can include up to 5 magic items of any points value within the normal restrictions of your army list.

51 Road

If you control a Road you are able to move troops more quickly to meet your enemy.  To represent this add +D6x10 points to your army for each Road under your control.  Roll when the Road is generated to fix its value - this is the value of that Road territory.  If you stake a Road territory in a battle and win, then the value of the Road increases by a further D6x10 points to represent your expanding control.

52 Bridge

If you control a Bridge you are able to move troops more quickly to meet your enemy.  To represent this add +2D6x10 points to your army for each Bridge under your control. Roll when the Bridge is generated to fix its value - this is the value of that Bridge territory.

53 Pass

If you control a Pass you are able to move troops through to reach the enemy.  To represent this add +3D6x10 points to your army for each Pass under your control. Roll when the Pass is generated to fix its value - this is the value of that Pass territory.

54-56 Mountains

If you control a Mountain your army can include up to D3 large monsters or monstrous cavalry units.  Roll when the Mountain is generated to determine how many monsters it can support - this is the fixed value of the Mountain.  In addition roll a D6.  On the score of a 6 the Mountain contains a Gold Mine (see above).  Dwarfs and Chaos Dwarfs generate a gold mine on a roll of 4+ instead of 6.

61-63 Forest

If you control a Forest your army has sufficient supplies of wood to include a further D3 war machines.  Roll when the forest is generated to determine how many machines it can support - this is the fixed value of the Forest territory.

64 Ruins

If you control an area of Ruins then before every game you can send searchers to find magic items amongst the debris.  Generate an extra D6x10 points and choose a magic item up to this value.  The magic item can be given to any character/champion in the normal way.  The magic item is retained by your forces and its value is added to the total points of your army.  However if the character carrying the item is killed the item is lost and its value must then be deducted from your army.

65 Lost Valley

you control a secret valley sheltered from the weather and abundant with natural resources.  Roll again twice on this chart - the valley has the territory value of both rolls combined.  The Lost Valley is only a single territory even though it has the resources of two.  A Lost Valley cannot include other Lost Valleys.

66 Spy

You have a well established network of spies and informers.  Spies are not territory, so if you generate a Spy generate another territory immediately.  If you already have a Spy (you may only have one spy network), simply re-roll this result.  See the special rules below.


Spies represent agents and sympathizers in the enemy's ranks or amongst his subject peoples.  If you have a spy network then you can use it to spy on your enemy's territory and conduct acts of sneaky espionage. If you wish you can use a spy at the start of a game.  Roll a dice.

1 Spy Caught

Spy is caught and killed immediately and your spy network is uncovered - you lose your spy network.

2 VIP Injured

Your spy managed to injure an enemy very important person!  Nominate any character in the enemy army other than the general.  That model starts the game with one less wound remaining - if this would reduce the character to 0 wounds they are not deployed and considered destroyed by victory point purposes.

3 Raided the Supply Train

Spy lead a group of dissidents to raid the enemy's supply train, delaying the enemies arrival and allowing your army to get into position faster.  You can move each of your units 4" forward at the start of the battle and before either side takes first turn (this is done after which player first turn has been decided but before the beginning of the first turn).

4 Battle Plans Stolen

Your spy managed to steal the enemy's battle plansThe other player must deploy their entire army first instead of alternating unit deployment, allowing you to deploy after knowing the enemy's formation.

4 Poisoned Supplies

Spy poisons wells and food provisions.  At the start of the first turn the enemy rolls a D6 for each of his units.  A unit which rolls a 1 is suffering from the effect of the poisoned water and cannot move or shoot in the first turn.  Otherwise it is unaffected.

6 General Poisoned

Spy poisons enemy general.  At the start of each of his turns the opposing player rolls a D6.  On the roll of a 1 or 2 the general is suffering the effects of the poison and must lose either 1 point of Toughness, Strength, or Wounds (the player whose general has been poisoned may decide).  A general reduced to 0 Strength or Toughness is assumed to fall into a coma and is removed as a causality.

The Player's Realm

Players are permitted to hold up to 12 territories.  If a player wins more than 12 territories they must abandon some territories, though they can choose which to keep and which to give up.