Empire vs Goblins

Empire (Me) Vs Goblins (Kris S.)

Game Size: 500 points

Scenario: Break Point

Restrictions: No Level 4 casters, No Magic Items

Edition: Warhammer The Old World 1.0

Month and Year: Mar 2024

Event: Preparation for Escalation League at Mighty Meeple

In preparation for our escalation league at Mighty Meeple Kris and I decided to play a few games to get some repetitions in before the official start to our escalation league.  As part of the escalation league we build out a small army and paint it over a few months - we start at 500 points and build up to 2000 points increasing army size by 250 points each month.  This is a great method to keep small achievable goals and keep your hobby momentum up.  Thanks to Zach, Ian, and Dan for coordinating most of the league.

During each month players are paired up to get games in - although we can play extra games - Kris and I both wanted to play a few games since we had only played one day before and only had a few games under our belts.  This scenario, Break Point, is one of the most straightforward in the rulebook and is all about reducing your enemy below 25% of his starting unit strength - a perfect scenario for new players.

My list consisted of (pictured):

Arrayed against me were roughly:


The battlefield was relatively open with two sets of forest in the mid board.  Kris deployed his heavy hitters (Wolf Riders and Chariot in the middle of the board flanked by his infantry blocks and his goblins with bows out on the flank.  I opposed him with my mainline infantry, detachment and outriders while leaving my Knights to threaten his left (my right) flank.

After deployment I remember immediately thinking that I was vastly outnumbered and my army might be having a rough go of it. After all he has twice the characters, infantry blocks and cavalry (including his chariot).

When I deploy my army I always think of those little speeches the commanders give in the Total War games.

Early Turns

Top of Turn One

Being outnumbered but not necessarily outgunned, my plan was to force the Goblin army to attack piecemeal and then try to pick off elements in sequence.  This would permit me to fight on even numbers rather than outnumbered and I would just have to weather the storm without taking too much damage in the first wave.  To achieve this I moved the Free Company up within the maximum charge range of the Wolf Riders so they would have to test for impetuous.  If successful I could force the wolf riders out of position and either:

On my right flank I had my Knights move up to threaten the secondary (no character) block of Goblins.

Forward to bait out the enemy!

Top of Turn One

I also had my outriders start engaging the enemy Goblin archers killing two in the first turn - otherwise at 500 points the early turns go very quickly.

Bottom of Turn One

Kris's army conducting a good bit of shuffling and critically his Wolf Riders failed their impetuous test and charged headlong at my Free Company.  My Free Company were able to stand and shoot and killed two of the Wolf Riders before they even made it to combat.

When combat came the Wolf Riders only managed to kill two of the six free company - this resulted in four free company fighting back who managed to wipe out the attacking Wolf Riders!

Talk about over performing!  What's even crazier is that the Free Company failed their restrain test and overran closer to Kris's lines, giving them the chance to charge the chariot in turn 2!

Faith, steel . . . and GUNPOWDER!

Bait success!!!

Wait . . . what in Sigmar's name - six free company kill five Wolf Riders and in their zeal for more combat charge towards the enemy lines!?!

Mid Game

After having removed the enemy cavalry I thought I was in great shape for this turn - my Free Company detachment was in position to charge the Wolf Chariot and I had a clear charge on the Knights on the flank.  Confident that my Knights could beat a unit of Goblins and with the Free Company having already out performed their points cost I only needed two more things to go my way:

Things actually went way better than expected with two more enemy regiments defeated in turn two.

Top of Two - Game Blown Wide Open

Only one thing did not go my way in turn two - my Outriders killed a measly single Goblin with a volley fire . . . on the other hand the Knights defeated the Goblins on the right flank AND the Free Company destroyed the Wolf Chariot in a shocking display of bravery, wit, and downright foolhardiness.  The Goblin Shaman did nothing again (I believe he failed to cast any spells in the first two turns) - so at this point the enemy forces had been reduced below 50% and only two Free Company and two Knights had been injured.

Late Game

With the game well in hand we continued to play it out thinking it would only last 15-20 more minutes. Really only a few critical things happened for the rest of the game:

The illustrious Free Company would be eliminated by the Goblin Shaman here.

The big matchup of the game the Empire Captain against the Goblin Big Boss - general on general combat.

With the Goblins in dire straights they finally reached their breaking point.

End Game and Summary

By far the most lopsided game of The Old World I had played so far - this was probably the first time ever I had used my Empire army and the army felt Elite - having higher Weapon Skill, Leadership and being better equipped than my opponent's forces was a very odd but welcome feeling.  If this is what playing Elves or Dwarves feels like I can completely understand why people enjoy playing those armies.  As a learning game though we mostly gained insights into Kris's goblins rather than my Empire.

What we learned about Goblins

They need to have large units to fully use Warband to increase their leadership.  Goblins armies also desperately need a Battle Standard Bearer to re-roll break tests  When Kris expands to 750 points he needs to include BSB - especially if he continues to primarily bring core units.  Also we definitely failed to roll saves for the Chariot because we couldn't find its save value easily (it's 5+).

Men of the Match

Definitely the Free Company - when a six man detachment kills five Wolf Riders and a Wolf Rider Chariot . . . that's a level of overperformance that should be recorded in the annals of history.  After this day I would refer to this Free Company detachment as the Wolfsbane Chargers.

Final Tally

Lessons Learned