Battle Report: Reclaiming of the Book of St Lucius

The following narrative battle report covers a game between Carson's Sisters of the Argent Shroud and Paul's Inexorable Death Guard.  Written by Carson Owens.

A world rotting. People crying out in pain, tortured by disease. Katherina looked around desperately for her sisters only to  be met with creatures bearing only a slight resemblance to them. Their flesh twisted with boils. It melted and reformed with every hit of her bolter fire. Behind them, glowing golden, was the Book Of Saint Lucius.

Canoness Kathrina Anais sat bolt upright. Dreams of her homeworld, Kaenore XI, had plagued her since the forgeworld fell to Nugle seven years prior. She knew now what had to be done, The Emperor's true message was finally revealed to her, she had to retake her home and the relic for the glory of the Imperium.

Silent prayers and bolter fire covered the surface of Kaenore XI. Other factions would be screaming as their sisters morphed into demons, but the Order Of The Argent Shroud knew better; Bolter fire was louder than words could ever hope to be.

Katherina felt like a coward avoiding battle, but the relic had to be reclaimed. That was her real mission. 

She watched pleased as her sisters took out hoard after hoard of demons on the world she lost so long ago. A smile crept onto her lips as Asa Arzt, her unit's Hospitaller, sang hymns to the God Emperor from the balcony of the convent they grew up in. The same they’d been forced to flee from as Nurgle's sickness took the planet. 

Few had been lost, Katherina was skeptical that it had been so easy, but she wasn't one to second guess the God Emperor's mercy. One squad of sisters released from duty and a broken but fixable immolator was a small price to pay for the book of Saint Lucius. 

Katherina's boots clicked on the marble tile of the Hospitaller's ward in their starship base. The ward was unusually quiet. Aza was tending the bodies of the martyrs. She washed their faces and stitched their wounds, ensuring perfection as they were released from duty for one final time. 

“This is for you, Asa,” Katherina placed the relic on the desk cluttered with bandages and medical texts, “A gift from the God Emperor for your service.” 

The two girls smiled at each other, neither knowing the other was marked for greatness, but still somehow, knowing that their destinies were intertwined nonetheless.