Multi-player Campaign

Multi-player Campaign

The rules provided here are an alteration of the multiplayer campaign rules from the 5th edition Battle Book to work with the current edition of the Old World.  They describe a Warhammer campaign system suitable for a group of four or more players.  

The goal for each player in a multi-player campaign is to accomplish a Major Victory by obtaining more territories than the majority of his/her opponents and winning the final battle against the next largest rival power.  The runner up is the player who manages to come in second for territories and play in the final battle.  Other players can achieve a minor victory if they provide allied troops to the winner during the final battle.

Our Campaign (Q4'24 thru Q1'25)

In our case the campaign will run 5 months from October 2024 thru February of 2025 or until two players obtain 12 territories - if that occurs the top two players will play a game to determine winner and runner up.  

If two players have not obtained 12 territories by February 15, 2025 then the two players with the most territories will play for campaign winner - if multiplayer players are tied for the 1st or 2nd spot (by number of territories) players will be placed into brackets by win/loss record and conduct a play in on Feb 22nd, 2025 with the final game to be played on March 1st, 2025.

Current campaign status and territories for our campaign are updated weekly and can be viewed on the Current Status page.

Conquer and Explore

The campaign takes place near the Worlds Edge Mountains - a wild and lawless land between the empires of the Dwarf Holds and the slaver city states of the Chaos Dwarfs.  To begin the campaign each player generates three territories from the chart shown on the territories page.  These represent a mix of settlements, terrain, and resources which their army controls.  Once the campaign is under way new players can join at any time simply by generating three random territories from the chart.

Each player makes a note of his territories on a sheet of paper or his campaign notebook - if players are playing in our local campaign they should submit their territories via the google form at


Players choose an army of 1,000 points for each battle and forces are chosen afresh every time the army fights, although each player must stick to the same army - Orcs, Empire, Bretonnians, Lizardmen, etc.  Furthermore players must use the same Grand Army or Army of Infamy (ex. Bretonnian Exiles).

Designer's Note: 1,000 points was chosen as the original 5th edition battle book recommends 1,500 point armies - however unit costs were substantially more - limiting the armies to 1,000 points results in about the same number of models in this edition (Old World) as compared to prior editions.

Armies are chosen from the appropriate Legacy Army List, Ravening Hordes, Forces of Fantasy, or Arcane Journal.  Players or hosts of gamedays/events may agree to further restrictions, here are some examples of what could be included:

Designer's Note: The first list of restrictions is common for tournament play in 5th edition - it is a good idea if you are running a gameday that is more similar to a tournament or round robin event.

Additional themed restriction ideas are included below:

Army Restrictions

They types and quantity of troops that armies can field is restricted by the territory they control.  As the army's commander expands his/her territories they also expand their army, attracting heroes and wizards to their cause, acquiring riches, and winning new magic items.  To start off each player is restricted in their choice as follows:

Strategic Features

Such as bridges, roads, and passes - limit access by your armies.  To represent this armies are chosen to 1,000 points and larger armies can only be assembled by taking control of bridges, roads, and passes.


Each army may have one level 1 wizard and cannot include any other wizards unless the player's territory includes wizard's towers, sacred groves, shrines, or temples.

Other characters

Each army must be led by a character chosen from the Warhammer Armies army list.  The General can be a wizard if the army list allows this.  Otherwise the army may not include heroes, champions, or other non-wizard characters unless the player controls villages or towns.

Magic Items

Each army can include on magic item worth up to 50 points.  More magic items can be included if the player controls a source of income in the form of trade route, mines, treasure or mysterious ruins.

War Machines and Chariots

Each army can include up to one war machine or chariot (or unit of light chariots) and cannot include more unless the players controls Forests to provide wood to build machines and fuel furnaces.

Designer's Note: This is a significant change from the Old World ruleset which rarely limits chariots - in general we have observed that players will spam chariots before taking infantry which was expressly limited back in the 5th edition - we have leaned that way here also.

Large Monsters and Monstrous Cavalry 

You cannot choose Monstrous Cavalry units (ex. Dragon Ogres, Demigryph Knights, Pegasus Knights) or Monsters unless the player controls mountains where such beasts live.  Trolls, Ogres and other monstrous infantry which normally fight as foot regiments don't count for this purpose - Giants, Manticores, Dragons, Giant Eagles and such like do.

Designer's Note: This is a substantial change from the 5th edition ruleset - primarily because Monstrous Cavalry are extremely overpowered in the current edition - this limits their use heavily and makes players have to choose between large monsters which are substantially better than prior editions or selecting some of the best units.


You cannot choose allies as part of your army.  However you are allowed to ally with other players as described on the Fighting Battles page.


You cannot choose mercenaries in your army unless you have Tavern territory.  Characters and magic items in mercenary units (such as Prince Uther's Dragon Company) do not count against army limits.

Army Specific Special Rules

The following sections describes some special rules to start out each army in a fluffy manner - if you are running your own campaign consider these optional.


Book of Grudges - When defeated by an opposing player, the next time the Dwarf player plays the same player they may add a free Dragon Slayer or Doomseeker to their army.  This bonus stacks up to three times but resets (i.e. no additional slayers) once the Dwarf player defeats their opponent.  The Dragon Slayer(s) or Doomseeker(s) may not purchase any magic items/runes.

Rune Magic - Instead of taking level 1 or 2 wizards - Dwarfs may instead take a Runesmith.   Instead of taking level 3/4 wizards Dwarfs may instead elect to take a Runelord.  Additionally magic item allowances may be spent on runes.


Honor and Chivalry - When rolling for a territory Bretonnian players who roll a Spy result instead change that roll to Lost Valley.  No upright Bretonnian would stoop to spying and poison!  Note that this restriction does not apply to Bretonnian players who are playing as Bretonnian Exiles.  Bretonnian armies may take a Paladin Army Standard Bearer without controlling a necessary Town.


Quantity is a Quality All Its Own - Empire armies start with one additional territory (and thus start with four instead of three) roll for it's generation as normal.

High Elves

Masters of Magic - High Elf armies start with the ability to take one Level 2 wizard instead of one level 1 wizard.

Wood Elves

The Trees are Moving - One of the elven starting territories is always a Forest, additionally the war machine allowance  from Forests can be used to recruit Treeman.

Warriors of Chaos

Raiders - May elect to play underdog games against opponents with more territories than themselves rather than just those opponents who have double (or more) territories.

Beasts of Chaos

It's a Giant! - Beastmen armies always start with an allowance of one unit in the large monsters or monstrous cavalry category, regardless or not if they have a Mountain.

Tomb Kings

Mortuary Cult - Tomb King armies start with the ability to take two level 1 wizards instead of one.

Orc and Goblins

WAAAGGHHH! - Each time an Orc and Goblin army wins, they may add 50 points to their army allowance, this bonus stacks until the army is defeated (a draw does not count as a defeat, just a good scrap) and may stack up to three times.

Dark Elves

Masters of Magic - Dark Elf armies start with the ability to take one Level 2 wizard instead of one level 1 wizard.

Chaos Dwarfs

Blackfire industry - Chaos Dwarfs armies start with the ability to take two war machines in their starting allocation instead of one.


It's a Giant! - Ogre armies always start with an allowance of one unit in the large monsters or monstrous cavalry category, regardless or not if they have a Mountain.


It's a Jungle out there - Lizardmen players always start with one territory as a Lost Valley, they roll for their other two territories as normal.


I'm telling you it was a man sized RAT - Skaven armies always start with a Spy network in addition to their three starting territories.

Chaos Daemons

The Chaos Wastes have everything you could ever need - Chaos Daemon armies always start with a Ruins territory, they roll for their other two territories as normal.

Vampire Counts

Growing Horde - Each time a Vampire Count army wins, they may add 50 points to their army allowance, this bonus stacks up to three times and remains until the army's general is destroyed in close combat.  Wins against other Vampire Counts or Tomb Kings players do not generate bonus stacks, although if the general is destroyed in close combat in those games it will still reset the bonus.

Territory Chart

Want to see what territories you can obtain?  Or the max number of territories per player - head over the Territories Chart.

Choosing Characters

Some armies have characters that can be upgraded to Wizards, such as Vampires in the Vampire Counts army or Greater Daemons in the Chaos Daemons army.  These characters can only have their magic levels if the player qualifies for a wizard of the appropriate level.  

Example: A Vampire Counts player has a Sacred Grove, which permits him to take a level 2 wizard.  Armies are also permitted to take a level 1 wizard as part of their initial allocation.  Therefore the Vampire player could field:

If the player did not have a Sacred Grove he (or she) would be limited to selecting either the Vampire to have a single wizard level or a separate Necromancer character.

Fighting Battles

Great now you know the base rules . . . how do you go about setting up games?  Head on over to the Fighting Battles page.