Season 3 Campaign
There are two possible win conditions for each player in the campaign - players can either win a Major Victory or a Minor Victory. Only a single player can win a Major Victory, while a Minor Victory may be achieved by any number of players. At the end of each turn in the Resolution Phase victory conditions are checked. If there is a single player who has achieved their Major Victory win condition, then we proceed to check if any other players have achieve a Minor Victory. All other players are then considered defeated.
Developer's Note: In the rare circumstance that multiple (i.e. more than one) player achieves their Major Victory condition in the same turn, play will continue until there is a turn where only a single player is fulfilling their Major Victory win condition.
If by the end of the campaign single player has not obtained a Major Victory, the victor will be determined by the following with subsequent tiebreakers:
Total number of systems controlled
Tiebreaker: Number of victory conditions completed
Tiebreaker: Total number of campaign wins
Tiebreaker: Head to Head Record
Tiebreaker: Best Record Against Common Opponents
Tiebreaker: Strength of Opponents
Chaos Win Conditions
Major Victory
First Among the Gods . . . You control 7+ systems
Despoil and Defile . . . You control at least one Shrine World
Chaos Undivided . . . At least two Shrine Worlds must be Chaos controlled
Minor Victory
Slaves to Darkness . . . Another Chaos Players wins a Major Victory
Blessed by the Gods . . . You control 4+ systems
The Defiler . . . You control a Shrine World
Campaign Ability
Hellforges . . . when defending a system with a hellforge, Chaos forces may summon daemons without paying the command point cost (per the Hidden Cost of Daemon Worship House Rule)
Masters of the Warp . . . Chaos players may attack into and out of the rift as long as they have control a territory adjacent to the rift. Rift territories are passable, are all considered adjacent, and are free to move through for Chaos players.
Eighth Edition Veterans . . . If adding units to your order of battle from the 8th edition Chaos Space Marines codex, you may elect to add them to your Order of Battle at the Blooded rank.
Eldar (Asuryani) Win Conditions
Major Victory
Empire Restored . . . You control 7+ systems
Safe Passage . . . Control at least half (3+) of the Webway Gates
The Great Enemy . . . Ensure no Hellforges are controlled by Chaos Players
Minor Victory
Another is the Greatest Among Us . . . An Eldar player wins a major victory
Legacy of our Ancestors . . . Control 2+ Webway Gates
Doom Averted . . . You control 4+ systems
Campaign Ability
Webway Gates . . . Eldar Players treat Webway gates as adjacent hexes.
Foretold . . . During each turn, select one player and predict how many territories they will end the turn with (e.g. Vior'la (PS) will end turn one with 4 territories) - if you are correct select one PSYKER unit to gain 2 experience points OR gain one requisition point.
Eldar (Harlequin) Win Conditions **NEW**
Major Victory
A Masterpiece of Theatre . . . Complete a Grand Performance to the Masterpiece of Theatre Level
Safe Passage . . . Control at least half (3+) of the Webway Gates and all Webway Gates must be Aeldari Controlled
A Performance Witnessed by All . . . Win at least one game against each faction during the campaign: Imperial, Chaos, Tau, Eldar, Tyranid, Ork
Minor Victory
A Supporting Role . . . An Eldar player wins a major victory
Guardians of the Black Library . . . Control 2+ Webway Gates
Accomplished Performance . . . Complete a Grand Performance to the Accomplished Performance Level
Campaign Ability
Webway Gates . . . Eldar Players treat Webway gates as adjacent hexes.
Daemonifuge . . . You may add Ephrael Stern and Kyganil of the Bloody Tears to your Order of Battle, they gain the HARLEQUINS keyword if you do, but do not gain a <SAEDATH>. If you control a Shrine World or are participating in a Support action of an Imperial player, when adding Ephrael Stern and Kyganil of the Bloody Tears to your army roster in an Auxiliary detachment, the command point cost of the Auxiliary detachment is refunded. Finally if are playing a defensive battle over a Shrine World you control you gain free Sisters of Battle units with a total PL of 3/6/11.
Imperium Win Conditions
Major Victory
Glory to the Emperor . . . You control 7+ systems
First Among the Faithful . . . You must control two Shrine Worlds
Cleanse and Purify . . . No Hellforges in your starting sector (Nihilus or Sanctus) must be Chaos controlled
Minor Victory
Duty is its own Reward . . . Another Imperial Players wins a Major Victory
Faith and Fury . . . You control a Shrine World
Faith without Deeds Is Worthless . . . You control 4+ systems
Campaign Ability
Bulwark of Humanity . . . Imperial players gain command points when playing a battle against an another player attacking one of their systems based on game size 2/4/6
Shrine Worlds . . . When summoning Damned Legionnaires via The Bell of Lost Souls house rule, if the Imperial player is playing a game over a Shrine World (attacking or defending) they may summon without paying the command point cost.
Eighth Edition Veterans . . . If adding units to your order of battle from the 8th edition Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) codex, you may elect to add them to your Order of Battle at the Blooded rank.
Ork Win Conditions
Major Victory
Da Biggest and the Da Greenest! . . . Your Warlord reaches Legendary experience rank
The old ways are best . . . You control 6+ systems
We fight cos we woz born to fight . . . Win at least one game against each faction during the campaign: Imperial, Chaos, Tau, Eldar, Tyranid, Ork
Minor Victory
There is always something bigger . . . Another Ork Player wins a Major Victory
I'll be the big boss one day! . . . Your Warlord is of Heroic Rank
Orkz is fer fight’n! . . . You control 4+ systems
Campaign Ability
No Gellar Field No Problem . . . Ork units may traverse one Rift Hex for free when giving orders.
Unstoppable Momentum . . . If an Ork player plays in a battle (or battles) in the prior turn and is not defeated they gain command points for battles in the next turn 1/1/2. This bonus can stack up to three times to max at 3/3/6.
Tau Win Conditions
Major Victory
For the Greater Good . . . You control 10+ systems
Convert the Faithful . . . You control at least one Shrine World
Find a Way Home . . . Hold at least one territory on the campaign map border
Minor Victory
Not Yet Our Time . . . Another player wins a major victory from one of the following factions: Imperial, Eldar
The Patient Hunter . . . You control 7+ systems
Campaign Ability
Water Caste Diplomacy . . . You may spend 4 Requisition Points once per turn at the end of resolution phase to automatically colonize an adjacent empty hex (i.e. without playing a battle for it)
Tyranid Win Conditions
Major Victory
One Hive Mind to Rule Them . . . You control 7+ systems
Infiltration and Seduction . . . You must hold one system in Imperium Sanctus
The Great Devourer . . . Tyranid forces must control more than half of Imperium Nihilus system (10+ systems)
Minor Victory
Slave to the Hive Mind . . . Another Tyranid Player wins a Major Victory
Hungering Nightmare . . . You control 4+ systems
Campaign Ability
Ravenous Attacker . . . When attacking another player's systems gain command points based on game size (1/2/4)
Absorb Biomass . . . Once per turn (in the Strategy Phase) you may elect to turn any system you control that is not a Dead World into a Dead World, you may then gain one requisition point
Key Terminology
Dead World - A planet/system type has no effect except on the campaign map visualization and some campaign abilities.
Imperium Nihilus - The nineteen (19) systems on the top right of the map (i.e. the north area above the Great Rift). Represents the Greensboro/Raleigh play group.
Imperium Sanctus - Refers to the the systems on the bottom left side of the map (i.e. the south area below the Great Rift). Represents the Charlotte play group.
Game Size - some abilities may refer to gaining a bonus based on game size and will show up as three numbers 2/4/6 for example. This means in Combat Patrol size games you gain 2, Incursion 4, and Strike Force 6.