Scenario - Hold at all costs
Hold at all costs (Open War)
The battlefield lies at a crossing of key strategic importance. A defending army that has dug in stands ready to hold it at all costs in the face of a superior foe that surrounds them.
Dug-in Positions: In the first battle round, the Defender adds 1 to all saving throws taken for their models that are wholly within their own deployment zone (invulnerable saves are unaffected).
No Matter the Cost: If, at the end of the battle, one army has been destroyed, the player commanding the opposing army is the victor. Otherwise, the player who has the closest model to the centre of the battlefield is the victor (if both players have models that are the closest to the centre of the battlefield, the battle is a draw).
Roll one D6 and consult the below table:
The victor's units that took part in the battle gain two experience points for battle experience, instead of just 1.
The victor can select two units from their army to be Marked for Greatness after the battle, instead of just 1.
After the battle, the victor selects one CHARACTER unit from their army that took part in the battle (this must be a CHARACTER that can gain Battle Honours) and gives that CHARACTER one Crusade Relic (all the normal rules and restrictions apply). Make a note on the unit's Crusade card and increase its Crusade points accordingly.
After the battle, the victor can give their WARLORD either one Battle Trait of their choice, or if it is a PSYKER, one Psychic Fortitude of their choice (your WARLORD must be able to gain Battle Honours to gain this bonus) — make a note on the unit’s Crusade card and increase its Crusade points accordingly.
After the battle, the victor can select one unit from their army that has a Crusade card that took part in the battle (you must select a unit that can gain Battle Honours) — that unit gains the Weapon Enhancement Battle Honour after the battle (make a note on the unit's Crusade card and increase its Crusade points accordingly).
After the battle, the victor can select one unit from their army that has a Crusade card that took part in the battle (you must select a unit that can gain Battle Honours) - that unit gains one Battle Trait of your choice after the battle (make a note on the unit's Crusade card and increase its Crusade points accordingly).