Scenario - Death or Glory
Death or Glory (Open War)
An outnumbered army faces inevitable defeat, but if they sell their lives dearly to allow even a single warrior to survive them, they will have earned a heroic death.
No Retreat: In this mission, the Defender automatically passes all Morale tests taken for their units (no dice are rolled).
The Defender decides which player has the first turn.
Death or Glory: If, at the end of the battle, the Defender’s army has been destroyed, the Attacker is the victor. Otherwise, the Defender is the victor.
Roll one D6 and consult the below table:
After the battle, the victor can use the Increase Supply Limit Requisition twice, for free.
The victor of this mission gains 2 Requisition points after this battle, instead of just 1.
The victor's units that took part in the battle gain two experience points for battle experience, instead of just 1.
The victor can select two units from their army to be Marked for Greatness after the battle, instead of just 1.
After the battle, the victor selects one CHARACTER unit from their army that took part in the battle (this must be a CHARACTER that can gain Battle Honours) and gives that CHARACTER one Crusade Relic (all the normal rules and restrictions apply). Make a note on the unit's Crusade card and increase its Crusade points accordingly.
After the battle, the victor can give their WARLORD either one Battle Trait of their choice, or if it is a PSYKER, one Psychic Fortitude of their choice (your WARLORD must be able to gain Battle Honours to gain this bonus) — make a note on the unit’s Crusade card and increase its Crusade points accordingly.