Showdown at Snyder's

Talk about a bad ass event!  Hosted by the one and only Kris Snyder - this was a blast - we had a very fun group of people come out to the event:

Host/Organizer/Adjudicator - Kris Snyder

Team Imperium

Team Chaos

Essentially the format of this event was three rounds of games:

Games were played in early December (2023) at Kris's place.


Gamesday and other events are a great reason to get models paintined - for this event I thought I needed to get some daemons ready - I had these models for a while and this was the perfect reason to get these models painted up.  The biggest models I painted were Belakor and Slaanesh Daemon Prince.  Here are a few pictures:

Round One

Round one consisted of three scenarios:

A review of every scenario is shown below - Kris set them up ahead of time and made gray scale photos of the terrain as prep for players.  Talk about a cool setup.  You can browse the scenarios below.  Games were played at 500 points for the 1st round, 1k for second, and 1k for each army (3k per side) for the final round.

Showdown at Snyders

My game: For my first game I got paired against my wife, Carson, and talk about getting my shit kicked in.  Whew 500 pts of Daemons vs Knights did not go well.  From memory I field a unit of Plaguebearers, Nurglings, Bloodletters, and Slaanesh Daemon Prince.  I believe I played against a single Knight and did maybe 7 wounds to it.  Otherwise it was a pretty big blowout.  The amazing thing about this scenario is that it let you use the earth shaker cannons to shoot other tables.  As we were playing we mostly supported the game with Grizz against Bill (to little effect).  

Other games: On the other tables Mike (Traitor Guard) had some horrendous dice rolling and lost to Chris's Eldar while Bill (Death Guard) managed to kill all PDF forces in his game against Grizz (Salamanders).  This put the Chaos forces down 1 games to 2 however both games that Chaos lost did not affect the final battle; the game we won did however - so all in all we thought we (Chaos) had a pretty good chance here.

This is a great shot as you can see Carson's Knight lobbing shells at other tables while Chris (Eldar) and Mike (Traitor Guard) right over the train yard.  We imagined that her knight was kicking or picking up and throwing the shells rather than operating the gun.

Round Two

Ok round two is certainly where we probably lost overall gameday - while Bill would continue to carry us (Chaos) it was a complete disaster for myself and Mike only had a draw against Grizz.  Games were 1k points in size and featured: 

Images below show how my game went - Belakor almost made it through the dire avengers and striking scorpions but eventually fell to the mass attacks - mostly because he took six wounds from an Eldar driven Leman Russ earlier in the game!

The Final Round

So the final round battle was a wild time - with so many advantages for the Imperial side we needed a lot of luck to pull out a victory.  Unluckily for us that did not happen - although Bill would try to drag us across the finish line to victory (destroying multiple units including the Baneblade with his Knights) - in the end the Chaos forces lacked enough melee threat to take the Cathedral from the Imperials.  Unable to commit Belakor to the front and instead having to use him to old the opposite side of the table objectives resulted in not enough forces concentrated on the cathedral half of the board.

Overall it was a great game day but ended up in an Imperial victory.  Congrats to Carson, Grizz, and Chris Rice and thanks to Kris Snyder for hosting and setting everything up.

Enjoy some pictures and captions of the game below.

Here you can see the disastrous consequences of my game with Chris - his capture of the factory and two tanks resulted in a significant bonus to his side compared to ours.  In the lower right you can see Mike placing out his traitor guard; the Poxwalkers that Bill won from game one and Bill's Chaos Knights (he switched from Deathguard to Knights for the final game).

The Imperial players desperately deploy in cover to avoid a possible Chaos first turn of shooting.

A Vindicare Assassin surveys the battlefield for his next target.

Although we (Chaos) managed to eliminate the Baneblade we made little headway across the board - here you can see most of the enemy army intact but almost no infantry of ours in the center of the field or even on their side of the board.

Grizz's terminators stand triumphant inside the unbreached chapel to end the game day.